Privacy Policy

Noishe prioritizes the privacy of every user of our service, demonstrating a strong commitment to safeguarding your personal information when utilizing

Your trust is of utmost importance to us, and we are dedicated to earning and maintaining it. We want to assure you that we will never sell your personal information to any third party.

This Privacy Policy comprehensively outlines the steps involved in collecting information from you, how this information is collected, and the subsequent actions taken with the collected data.

Noishe reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy, and any such modifications will become effective immediately upon being posted on the website. Your continued use of Noishe service after such posting will be considered an acceptance of these modifications. Should you have any inquiries or comments about this Privacy Policy, feel free to reach out to us through the Contact Us section on the website.

Use of Personal Information

You have the option to use Noishe without creating an account. Additionally, you can contact us about specific images, posts, products, or other content without having an account. It is important to note that the personal information requested when creating a Noishe account, specifically a valid email address and a password, is utilized to secure your account from unauthorized access.

A Noishe account provides all-access to many services available post-registration only. Personally identifiable information may be collected when seeking access to specific portions of Noishe online service, publishing content for sale, or registering for services, including collaborations.

This information may be used to fulfill service requests, operate and maintain the website, provide general and personalized features, process flagging activity or correspondence, communicate about your account, support online activities, respond to queries, and customize your experience and the content or features of Noishe services.

This information may encompass your name, physical and email addresses, phone numbers, Internet address and type of computer, preferences, and usage patterns. Additionally, personally identifiable information may be used to notify you of changes to Noishe Terms of Service and/or Privacy Policy.

 Non-Personal Identifiable Information

Aggregated information about the use of our service, such as the usage extent of certain features, is collected. This aggregated information is anonymous, statistical data reflecting the scope of our user base, sales, customer patterns, and related site information. We use this information to enhance our understanding of how the Noishe service is utilized and to improve the online experience for our users. Importantly, this information is processed in a manner that does not personally identify you. Moreover, certain non-personally identifiable information collected by Noishe may be used by third-party advertising providers during your use of our service.

 Cookies & Shared Objects

We may employ cookies and/or shared objects to track and comprehend traffic on our website. Cookies, alphanumeric identifiers placed on your computer's hard drive, enable us to recognize your computer during subsequent visits. Cookies and/or shared objects may be used to collect and store information about you, such as the domain and host name from which you access the Internet, the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer, the date and time of your website access, and the Internet address of the website from which you directly linked to ours. This information aids in better understanding our users and customizing our site to match users' particular preferences.